Win the Midwest : an innovative regional strategy to build multiracial governing coalitions across the Midwest.

Building a progressive governing majority.

What Is Win The Midwest?

Win the Midwest is a new practice of politics: an innovative regional strategy focused on building multiracial governing coalitions across the Midwest. Over the next decade, the Midwest will continue serving as the fulcrum of our democracy – the battleground where the future of this country is fought. Will we go the way of many countries, with deepening levels of inequality, low political participation, authoritarian leadership, and corporate dominance? Or will the United States transform into an authentic, multiracial democracy?

We believe that the answer depends on the strength, sophistication, and resources available to social movement organizations across the Midwest. Through organizing and strategic campaigning, our region has developed innovative, independent power organizations and established movement ecosystems that are charting a new way forward. These organizations are building across race, class, and gender – engaging Black, white, immigrant, and young people to knit together progressive governing majorities in our states. They anchor large and multi-layered voter engagement programs that are mobilizing millions of voters, and are advancing progressive policies and agendas in cities and states across the region.